The Hollapino Journey Begins
***Hollapino Definition: Holland and Filipino (credit goes to Russel Peters :D)
Our journey began at 7am on the 3rd of June 2017…
Thanks Bill from Asian Tigers for sponsoring some of our trip..means a lot to us
It was a chilly morning, but the sun was out and it looked like a perfect day for riding.
We hooked our boxes on, strapped on our waterproof bags full of camping gear and we were ready to go.
Carmelo, Stefan’s uncle came by with his Ducati to drive with us for the 50 kilometers, which was fun. It’s always more fun when you ride with other bikers
That’s something that’s universal. Big Bikers will pretty much always acknowledge each other on the road. We all consider ourselves as part of a special club and a nod, or a smile, or a quick upraised hand (that doesn’t quite translate into a wave) communicates that we are brothers and sisters on the road. If you ride a Big Bike (no matter what brand you drive) you will know what I mean.
Leaving the Netherlands on the way to Denmark
Driving a motorbike in Holland is rather uneventful, especially when one compares it to driving in Bangkok, Thailand (which was our previous experience) and it almost is boring.
This is not a criticism, rather it is a realization that we were so used to being ultra-alert on Bangkok roads that we almost felt lulled to sleep by the Dutch safe and by-the-rules driving. They drive so well in Holland that it was almost hard to believe that any accidents could happen. No one over took us from the right, no one cut us off unnecessarily, no one changed lanes on a solid line, everyone merged politely and zippered when needed. It was so relaxing, we had a hard time staying alert. I guess this is something we have to get used to.