Our 1st Border, Our 1st Drop

We are creating a set of YouTube videos that cover the chapters of '2Up and Overloaded'. It is a kind of visual representation to go along with the book, or as a stand-alone series for your viewing pleasure.

This episode covers chapters 14 and 15 when we crossed our 1st border, and had our first drop.


Our 1st Border, Our 1st Drop

​Chapter 14 excerpt:

The States had proven to be as amazing and hospitable as we could have hoped. We met wonderful people, saw nature in all of its glory, shook some of the bugs out of our gear, and literally out of our jackets and helmets. In our short time on the road, we had experienced near tornado-like conditions, rain and hail while riding down mountain roads that had more wet clay to them than gravel, and fire ants and rolly polies that continuously crawled into our helmets and caused Marisa to freak out... all the stuff adventures are made of.

We worked as a team in all of these scenarios, except for the rolly polies in Marisa’s helmet. That was her battle. But I was excited to enter Mexico and formally become an international traveler.

Marisa often told people that I had never been to another country, but that was simply not true. I had been to Midland, Ontario, in Canada as a teenager on a family road trip. She discredits my international traveling status because Midland is just a day’s ride across the border from Chicago, and you didn’t need a passport back then to go there; but I, along with maps and globes, clearly acknowledge that Illinois and Ontario are in fact located in two separate countries. Either way, my entry into Mexico would end the debate, and I would get my first passport stamp as a badge of honor.