STILL!!! In Mazunte
Mexico, Mazunte, November 12, 2006.
G-Money (AKA Gabo, AKA, Gaby) Entry.
I'm back. I know most have you were hoping that Smokey would be writing by now, trust me I really was, but unfortunately we will all have to wait for a Smokey entry. Besides Smokey, I was also hoping some of the many friends who came to visit and promised would write an entry would do so. But that as well, will not take place, and that is because those people are lazy f%*ks. And to make them feel worse for promising and doing nothing, I will now name them.... Gabriel Riff, Bobby Rahal and Heather Westelman. These people should not be trusted. If they tell that they had a great time at your place and will definitely write a blog entry describing their stay, they are lying to you. Trust them NOT!.
Anyways, enough with the hate, Im over that
So wow, wow, wow, I cant believe Im starting this again.. And it´s been a crazy amount of time so dont expect a detailed analysis of the last 9 months, all high level, sorry. The one year anniversary, to us having left los Angeles, is coming up so I have to write something. Im going back on my word
.Everyone can change..
I read back the last entry and will go from there based on chapters
1. The Land
Is still there. And work on our house was started two weeks ago. So far so good. We definitely had a tough time starting, over 8 months of talking. But hopefully the wait made us smarter, which I think it has. The place will be a two level studio in the mountains overlooking the ocean. It will have a palapa roof. If you dont know what that means, then you suck! Kiddin´ Its a palm roof but you do suck!
2. The Store
This past August we opened up a clothing/accessories shop in Mazunte. Really cute little shop, nothing big, that fits in well in this town. The locals love the place, its the first such store here, and during the quite month of August was opened almost full time. Its presently closed do to low season, but will open up soon. Well be trying out a new clothing section which we call Mode Derdy Stylin. The name comes from Smokeys parents clothing store which catered to Strippers and HOs, but mostly strippers
respect. The clothing selection comes directly from the new store named Lulus. Check it out if youre downtown.. And you dont have to be a Ho or Stripper
. Who am I kidding! You gotta be that! Anyways, it was fun getting the place going.. rarely
, most of the time it was a pain in the ass.
Here is a big lesson weve learned since the last blog
.Getting things done in Mexico is tough, even tougher then back home. We went through lots of crap I havent yet been able to deal with psychologically enough so as to write about it.
3. Why Mazunte?
Good question!
Its a nice place, really. You get the occasional crazy coked up local, but thats rare and getting rarer the more familiar we become to them.
The beach is still nice and weve been exploring other beaches in the region. There are TONS of them. But I still say ours is the best.
4. Me Mujer!
Meaning, my woman.
Thats what they call Bebe (the Dutch girl).
What can I say
. Its been a real trip since the last time I wrote. After I returned from San cristobal, she headed to Guatemala and I back to Mazunte. We kept in touch and I headed to her after a month, to Guatemala. She then decided to come back to Mazunte with me for a little bit before heading to Belize and Hunduras. After Hunduras she headed to Costa Rica and I headed there to see her before she left back to Holland. That is also where I met Bebes mom. Nice lady, went well. After 3 months in Holland she came back to Gabo, thats me. That was Sept 7th, shes been here since then
. things are very good. CRAZY! We even moved out on our own. I live with Bebe! I live with a woman!
Who would have thought that a motorcycle trip would end up like this after only a year. Im in chock every other day. The chock is wearing off nowadays. My life is in Mexico now. But dont tell my mom that, she thinks Ive gone crazy. And shes blaming Smokey, so Im kinda okay, poor Smokey. And it dont help him much when I agree with her. Poor smokey.
5. Miscellaneous.
- Smokey bought a Safari. Its a cool Volkswagen from the 70s (1977). Also called the Thing sometimes. Its totally lime green. Really cool car. Reminds us of my old Chevrolet Chevette. No power steering and very unstable. We love it. The first time we both took a ride, it was SCARY. The thing is rattling and we feel like were barreling down the highway,
one of the funniest rides I ever had, sick!
- Smokey also took some trips. Twice to Bangkok. Most of the store merchandise is coming from Thailand.
- I took two trips back home (New Jersey/Montreal). Jewish Holidays! My mom has me by the balls I tell you.
- Some people visited. The undependable ones were mentioned at the start, besides them
Lisa Fitzhugh and Nancy Rahal. Bobby never left the beach, cant remember him without his swimmers, Nancy never left the house, but did get me hooked on Curb your Enthusiasm, Heather was a trooper, I mean TROOPER. We actually got caught up in a real life riot/revolution in Oaxaca city. We were there in June when the first clash that sparked all the crazy sh*t happening now, took place. I remember getting up at 6 am because of some noise and heading to the toilet, as soon as I left the room, I got a smack of tear gas. I was gased damnit. So was Heather, and that was just the start
Crazy stuff, helicopters, stun grenades, woman with machetes, kidnapped riot police right outside our guesthouse and throughout the whole thing we had front row seats on the roof of the guesthouse we stayed at. Scary stuff, really, we left town ASAP and now its even crazier. We took some photage which you might have seen on Heathers photo site, if you use it and make money of it, we get a cut. Lisa was great, lost two pairs of shoes hiking with Leo, aka the Sherpa (as Bobby called him). And Gabriel was good times. First he got kidnapped coming into town by Kate, aka Crazy Kate, I think shes okay though, that was FUNNY! I go down to her restaurant to blend up some chickpeas for Hummus and hes seating there, poor bastard. Besides that, he hightailed it out of town after just 3 days, the wuss got scared of Dengue. What a wuss. But we like him anyways, youre always invited back, wuss
Leo still calls you wuss or p*ssy, something like that
So in total we love having friends over, it is really great having a little bit of home here with us. So as always the invitation is open. Although we will be losing the beach house for at least a month, during the holidays.
Okay I gotta run, to much to say and I want to go home. Before I go though the other big news is that were opening up a sushi restaurant. I am officially a sushi chef if anyone asked and its gonna happen starting December. All Japanese receiving this e-mail dont be afraid, Im actually quite good, at least according to Bebe, Smokey, Eppy, Leo, and Sabine.
More on this some other time. And photos too.
Regards to all,
We miss you and love you (some of you).
Gaby, Aka Gabo, Aka g-money.
Oh and as for the bikes, . Still doing good. Just kinda rusted all over.