Globeriders Interlude - He's Baaaack!
The Globeriders World Tour 2002 officially ended on 10 JUL 2002, right on schedule. As you know, I had an accident in China, and was flown back to the States. However, even though delayed by several months, the journey continues (in delayed broadcast )!....
This begins the final series of Updates from the Tour, please click on the link below if you're interested to see how this remarkable journey ended:SATURDAY 31 AUGUST, 2002 - SEATTLE, WA USA
LAT:N47.71617 LON:W122.37346
[Just another beautiful night in Seattle. For those of you who have never seen the Seattle skyline, a view of the Space Needle looking towards the downtown area.]
I have a stubborn streak that demands I finish what I started. In my last update, I was mending a few bruises and broken bones at home in Seattle, watching the weekly video coverage of the Globeriders World Tour on Speedchannel, wishing more than anything that I was there with them.
After weeks of sleeping upright (ever tried to lay down with broken ribs?), I couldn't stand it anymore. On 30 JUN, my wife Aillene and I and departed Seattle-Tacoma International airport on NW/KLM Flight No. 34, bound for Amsterdam, with our final destination being Warsaw, Poland. Our plan was to meet up with the Globeriders as they crossed the border from Ukraine into Poland.
Flying now across the Atlantic, we endured a blessedly uneventful flight, arrived in Warsaw, and took the train to Krakow. Our tour leader, Helge, suggested that we drive to the nearest border crossing to meet the group. Little did I realize the crossing was hundreds of kilometers East of Krakow! Nonetheless, we re-joined the group as planned, and finished the tour. Since I was still in recovery mode, we assumed a new role as the "chase vehicle", renting a Mitsubishi Charisma, the best that Hertz Rental in Poland had to offer.
Today, I received "how are you" email from Mrs. Feng Lin, the kind woman who was my translator at the hospital in China. Hers was one of many messages that I recv'd wishing me well, and wondering how the trip ended. Like I said, I like to finish what I started. Over the next month, I'll be sending "slightly" delayed Updates on the remainder of the tour. It certainly doesn't have the impact of real-time reporting, but, there's some good stuff to come....
In the next Update - Poland!