Ruta 40

-23.84909743067, -66.461776468128


* A part of the "Patagonia Loop", one of The 7 Wonders of the Motorcycle Travel World as decided by the crew of the Adventure Rider Radio RAW Podcast *

You might consider adding the Carretera Austral (CH-7 signage through Chile) as a part of the journey.

Starting from the southern border of Bolivia, at La Quiaca, Jujuy, AR, Ruta 40 runs southward, parallel to the Andes Mountains, to Punta Loyola (Rio Gallegos), Argentina, more than 5000 km (3100 mi) away. It is the longest highway in Argentina and one of the longest highways in the world, standing shoulder-to-shoulder among the likes of Canada's Trans-Canada Highway (7821 km; 4860 mi), Australia's Stuart Highway (2720 km; 1690 mi), and USA's Route 66 (3940 km; 2400 mi).

Files below are from the GaiaGPS map shown below.

The complete route of "Ruta Quarenta", or Ruta 40, or RN40

Attractions Type
Auto & Transportation
Natural Wonders
Images of POI