
Almost Ready

Date of update

Well, here it is. We've decided to go on this trip. For those that know us, and what we've been through the last couple of years, you'll know why we were on the fence on this one. Well, we've decided that life is too short to pass up this trip. Even if we'll be in the preverbial poor-house when we get back.

Yes, this trip is going entirely on the VISA card! Woo hoo!

So, on with the show. We've been doing some light prep, off and on for the past couple of months.

Starting with some light maintenance on the 1150:

Blog Info

Date of update

You may or may not know that we are travelling as a family - hence the name four-up. Do do this, we are pulling the kids from school for 5 weeks. But, much to their disappointment, they still have homework to do.

Their english homework is to write and maintain their own personal journal. What we have chosen to do is to use this blog format so that the kids in their respective classes can keep updated on all of our progress. And, they will be graded....heh, heh, heh!

You can filter on (or not) thier blogs by clicking on the "Archives Category" link to the right.

More Prep

Date of update

We're getting there. It seems like I've been working on the bikes for days but were getting there.

Got a nice new front tires:


Got the saddlebags mounted, front and back:


Now we're waiting for the rears:

Tanner's blog

Date of update

Packing is a pain in the ass but we are finished now,Its 5 days until the trip starts and well I am sick and my mom is also sick and its snowing in some pleases in the USA I hope it gets warmer.

Quinten's Blog

Date of update

5 more day's untel we leave i am really exited I have all my stuff packed and my mom water proofed my boot's pants and coat. my mom bot me a journal and I really do not want to write in it. I am worried about the snow going throu the USA because we do not know witch route we are going. me and tanner got cameras for Christmas so we are going to use those for the trip. my mom and dad have one camera to share for the trip. I am taking 2 pairs of socks 1 turtleneck 2 shirts 2 underwear and 2 pants.

Day 1

Date of update

We're finally on our way. It feels so good to be back in the saddle again.
Day 1 was fairly un-eventful. I know why there is a 6th gear now. For the damn interstates!!! They should be called i-states because an ipod really helps.We covered about 650km today, not bad considering about 2.5 hours were 'wasted' on the ferry. The weather was dry and warm - we really lucked out.
The only problem I had was that my new alpaca sweater was to hot! (Thanks Jenny)

Day 2

Date of update

Day 2

It was a bit of a wet start.We seem to be able to make any place look just like home.I5 all the way.The snow on the mountain passes had been plowed and 5 c.Truckers were helpful on the drive and only passed one accident,flipped trailer.No pics...too buisy gawking.Trees are changing,soil is very red in some places.We're not sure what to expect of L.A. Just looking forward to Mexico.Hotels are cheap!! Average $45 a night for all four of us.Hip horray for continental breakfast!!!!You'd be amazed what you can fit on a bike when you're on a budget.

Day 2 more

Date of update

Look on our webpage and click on the "central america" link to get to the spot adventures page. We're posting the pictures there. The beauty part is that they are tagged with gps coordinates on the map, so you can see exactly where they were taken. (Just click on the "day 2" link (or whatever day we happen to be on.)

Day 3

Date of update

it was very boring and flat then we got to the mountinsand saw snow and lots of it the next day we saw are ferst fruit trees and palm trees and in the desert we saw cactusis and coyotes and tumbleweed i wonder wats next ???????????

Mexico 2010 Day 2

Date of update

it was another boring day very flat and at the end of the day we went into the mountins and there was snow on side of the road the next day we saw are ferst fruit tree and palm trees and also coyotes.

Mexico Day 3

Date of update

we have been on the road for 3 days now and i am tierd and i have no clue what i did to my leag but it herts like hell. it is prity borting going thru the united states of amarica. I realy hate the smell of road kill ther is a lot of dead kiotys on the road to.

Day 4-5

Date of update

e went into the desert today went past tons and tons of friut trees. I am waving at the truckers to say thanks because they are good drivers unlike the minivans in L.A.Rite now i am at the boder of mexico and the U.S.A and its very very hot.

Day 4-5

Date of update

my leg is a bit beternow that i am on my moms bike. i have athleats foot and it realy hurts. it is so boring going throu the usa wich is realy boring. we are 50 k from the border of mexaco. i am so exited going into mexaco

Quinten Day 10

Date of update

we finely got into mexaco at the soneleata border crosing. it was prity easy going throu the border you just had to sine
some paper and show your pass port then 2 k up the road you had to showe the paper all filed out then another 2 k up the road pou had to go throu secerity and then you where finly in mexaco. it took haf hawer to do all that stuff but we made it throu

Tanner - Day 11

Date of update

Today it looked like a jungle going into the mountains. I love the coke here but I am getting bored of the food.It is all beans rice and wraps and no tap water. We saw flamingos and also pelicans fishing.
We also saw banana trees.When we got to peurto vallatra and went to the beach and I got swept under the waves 5 times andt hen went body surfing.It was very very fun the waves were 4 feet tall.

Tanner update

Date of update

There is iguanas in a lot of areas we saw an iguana running on the road. .It
is very hot hear there are teens that are 16-19years old with guns machine guns 50 calibers at the army stops and the cops hear have trucks and there are guys with machine guns and shot guns in the back. on my b-day we rented seadoos and we got to drive. It was hot it was 30c at 8:00 am it got even hotter it got to 39c and at night it was so hot you could barley sleep.

Quinten update

Date of update

We Finleyy got to portaviarta thefirstt big city by the oceann and it had a big serf I liked ittherer because it was not to big of a city and the water was vary salty we left later that day but we did not go that fartherer was a bunch of people walking around withManicheann guns and shot gunstherr where a lot of army checkpointss and a lot of army people wherewearinggbalaclavass so they where notrceognized by terests and drug dealers.

Tanner - Day 20

Date of update

It is very much like a jungle went to the beach and saw tropical fish and I was tiring to catch an iguana and we gave are 1,000 peso snorkeling equipment to a bunch of poor kids. We met drunk guy . And we went to a museum hualatan and saw old torpedo launchers and mini nukes and in one town we met a guy in chignahuapan and his name was martin and he is an awesome Mexican that spoke English. it was rile fogy and rile raining so we stopped.

Quinten Feb 18

Date of update

Guns guns that is a lot of the scenery after we left acapoko we got to portaeandedo the serf was to big so we cold not go swimming it realy sucked we distided to stay ther for 4 days because it was a nice vew and we had the hole hotel to are selvs and we also got sun bernt and we went turdel waching it was prity funy because the gide jumped into the water and cot the turdel. It cinda sucked because my blog got eraced so I am re writing my blog and we pased oaxaca and rate now I am in a cafe re writing my FRICAN BLOG.

Quinten Day 27

Date of update

the devals back boan was vary cool because it was a vary stwisty windy road and the ferry was also cool because you got to sleep on the ferry that was 17 houers and ther was a arcad game in the ferry that was scrued up so you got to play it for free but when we got to the baja calafornya also none as bc was a strate road so it was vary vary boring wate i think i mised a day in my blog but what ever ho kairs BY