
Buenos Aires - A Grand Day Out

Date of update

Fri 28th Oct 2005

A day sight seeing mainly combined with meeting of'virtual' friend Nik. Spoken on web, and knew he washere, but paths not crossed.

Had some very nice cakes (not that they could match the Freddo Heladosof last night mind) for breakfast after a good nights kip. Best not get used to the luxury we have here though, it'll be a far cry for future reports of that I'm certain.
Popped up to the 'local' - that's the internet café you see, to read some mails and see if Nik wasaround. Sent a message to meet at Law courts as had to recover me card from bank.

29th Nov 2005 - Mendoza + Catheuta, Potrerillos, Vallecios (ski)

Date of update

Mileage - 152 kms

THAT CONDOR MOMENT...Well the first job today was to get Nik's bike to BMW Mendoza for the allocated service. very dissappointing lack of fresh coffee, donuts or croissants...not like the UK at all !

I guess they must get a few travellers through as they plainly didn't have any interest in the bikes or where we had been. Mind, if you've got a garage full of BM M5's and the like they're clearly not going to get much from us.....well if you exclude the price they've quoted Nik for a rear tyre.