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Vibrant hand-painted storefronts at Mogadishu

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My name is Masayo Goto from Japan. I have visited Mogadishu , Somalia in 2019. It was so amazing, andVibrant hand-painted storefronts are so beautilful

In most of the modern cities, business would invest in some printed lavish storefront signs for attracting the eyeballs of customers. However, when you walk through the streets of Somalia, you would see a lot of vibrant hand-painted storefronts.

vibrant hand - painted storefrontWhile part of the reasons are due to the lack of money , but more due to the low literacy rates after civil war. People would like to visually ”see” what they are going to buy before going into the stores. Created by local artists, it enhances the customers experience , in an other way.

vibrant hand- painted storefront_3

Such kinds of advertisement , in my opinion, lowering the reality, but adding more human emotions towards the business. I could feel extra warm from the business.


Story begins
10 Dec 2019
