43.845546343936, 18.347717821598
Ive Andrića
71000 Sarajevo
Bosnia & Herzegovina
Sarajevo is a great city to visit. lots to see and do.
I stayed in a super AirBnB place but unfortunatly I tried adding the link after testing it and it is no longer available. I didn't go out on an evening but I was out alot during the day ridiing a round the city and just absorbing it all in. I got speaking a locals and learnt a bit obout the city. There are a lot of place to sit, drink coffee and pivo and just watch the world go by.
There are also still a lot of reminders from the war and the siege. I really enjoyed this place
Photos on my RR
Attractions Type
Auto & Transportation
Culture & History
Culture & History/Architecture
Food & Drink
Tourist Destination
Images of POI