Yikes--So much for regular updates... Washington, Oregon, California

Well...   my plan to post on a regular basis went by the wayside.    I got caught up in so many other things and it was easy to just postpone this update another day, another week as it turned out.    

A lesson for the next leg:    Post short and frequent and forget about being all-inclusive or perfect in doing so!

The trip so far...

Seattle start,  2 weeks ago... Oct 23rd

2 days going through westernmost part of Washington state, the Olympic Peninsula...  

4 days through Oregon...   

and the rest of the time here in California where I am now (San Luis Obispo).

I started in to recap the trip but it's all mushy and that original enthusiasm of the day it happened isn't there... 

Hard to figure out just what to mention so instead, I'm just going to list out in some following posts the places I've liked/recommend... and some lessons learned that might be helpful to less experienced, still learning motorcycle travelers like myself.