RTW continued -- USA/Mexico/ Guatemala March/April 2021

Looking forward to continuing my off and on RTW trip as the world slowly reopens.   The next leg: Mexico!

I'll leave Tucson, AZ on March 21st and, I hope,  get across the border at Nogales.  Latest news is that Mexico's tightening up access again so fingers (and toes) crossed.         

Plan to ride to Copper Canyon (4 times the size of the Grand Canyon) via the Pacific route where I'll spend a few days.  From there, I'll traverse to Central Mexico where I plan to meander around for a couple of weeks.    Then, to the Atlantic, to the Veracuz region.   Finally I'll cross back through Chiapas, through San Cristobal de las Casas, and on to Antigua, Guatemala, my final destination.

For anyone who wants to track my path realtime as I go along, I'll be tracing it with the fantastic Polar Steps app (www.polarsteps.com) .   I'll also be posting images  as well as any road recommendations/tips/that I feel are worth passing on.   My Polar Steps user name is:   markjacobson360

I also will most likely be posting on the Medium portal (Medium.com)  under user names:   @mark360  and @markblog.    
Finally, I'll be posting images on my instagram account,  markjacobson360 

Once in Guatemala, my next leg will depend on what's opening up next. 

Motorcycle I'm riding:  2019 Honda CRF 250L.     Modifications included changing seat to a more comforatable one  (Seat concept) and a larger 3.1 gallon fuel tank.   

Hope to meet some of you on the Road!


Miscelaneous--Camera solution that finally worked for me

After a lot of thinking, came up with a great camera/phone option...    Quadlock phone mount with the 'vibration damper' for the iphone 11 (if don't have the vibration damper it can ruin the lens--happened to me on my last trip with a regular mount.)    Also, an extendable mount on the handlebar for a GoPro or SLR mini-camera... Can raise it and shoot pictures while looking down at the display on the iphone (that's attached via bluetooth to the cameras)