DAY 44 - More Police
Almost every truck had branches with thorns tied to the backdoor, so I had to ask its significance. Apparently, it is to stop people from climbing the truck to steal.
Miles 7,458
Gave Angelina's engine a quick wash and we left at 7a.m. Again arid land with mountains of sand, approaching Lima there are some very pretty places, the highway through the mountains, below us we had the sea and to our left the sandy mountains.
Not long after we left for our journey, we passed a toll booth, I went through the appropriate lane on the right side, Shorty took the car lane due to his bike being wider as a result of his bags. The police stopped us and wanted to fine us, i don't know why me but it really annoyed me. So I started insulting him and in an aggrevated voice asked him where is one meant to go through when the lanes are so narrow, I sarcastically commented if he wished that we bring some helicopters so they could carry the bikes over the toll. He replied he was the police officer and not the booth designer and let us go.
The day was cloudy not bad for the ride, but horrible for photo taking.
We spent hours to by pass Lima, the dangers were many in traffic the place is huge. We put petrol and while there i spotted a place where they could change Angelina's oil, I gave them the filter that was in my knapsack and for 70 soles, and a little hitch as they normally only do cars, everything was done. Shorty got the front wheel fixed.
We continued south and it looks like a totally different country, beaches one followed the other all with pretty houses. We arrived at Chincha, I went to a couple of Hostels to ask their prices and we chose to stay at Legas Inn, they wanted 95 soles but we managed to get it for 85. Quite pretty Recommended, the Internet connection slow but ok for short emails.
We went to eat at the main part of town but I didn't have anything, didn't feel the best.
Upon returning to the hotel, as it grew darker, I went to buy water so I placed the nikon on the counter, when a policie officer approached me and warned i didn't leave the camera there and to get to my hotel immediately. The shop assistant then explained that people rob absolutely everything. So it was back to the hotel watch T.V.
PHOTO: Outside of Lima
SAME TEXT HERE IN SPANISH: Dia 44 Miercoles 12
Casi todos los camiones tenian ramas con espinas atadas en la puerta de atras, asi que pregunte porque y es para que la gente no suba por ese lado a robar.
Millas 7.458
Lave un poco el motor de angie y salimos a las 7 a.m todo arido con montañas de arena, cuando nos acercamos a Lima hay unos lugares muy bonitos, la carretera va por el medio de la montaña, alla bajo teniamos el mar y a nuestra izquierda la montañas arenosa.
La policia nos paro ni bien salimos cuando pasamos por un peaje, yo pase por el costado derecho como siempre pero Shorty paso por el lado de los autos ya que la moto de el es mas ancha por las balijas que tiene y nos querian poner multa, a mi no se porque habia pasado por el lugar debido, me saco de las casillas y lo empece a insultar que por donde quiere que uno pase, si no hay lugar, tenemos que traer un helicoptero y pasarlas por arriba, cuando termine me dice, yo soy policia no fui el que hizo el pase para las motos tan pequeño, se pueden ir.
El dia nublado barbaro para las motos, pero no para sacar fotos siempre esta como con neblina y la visibilidad es pobre. Horas pasando por el costado de Lima, el peligro en el trafico es grandisimo. Pusimos gasolina y miradno alrededor habia un lugar para cambiar la aceite de angie, les di el filtro que tenia en la mochila y por 70 soles me lo hicieron despues de unos problemitas, hacian solo autos. Shorty hizo arreglar la rueda de adelante y para el sur continuamos, parece otro,pais, playas una seguida de otra con casas bonitas. Llegamos a Chincha fui a un par de Hostal a preguantar precios y nos quedamos en Lega s Hostal querian 95 pero lo saque por 85 soles R. muy bonito, el internet lento pero pude mandar dos dias para la web
Fuimos a comer al centro pero yo nada, no me sentia bien.De regreso al hotel ya oscureciendo compre agua y puse la nikon en el mostrador, se acerco un policia y me dice, no deje eso asi y larguese para su hotel y la señora que me vendio el agua me dice, roban de todo. asi que a mirar tele.