DAY 50 - Last Night of the Journey

"WE TRAVEL JUST TO TRAVEL". Ernesto Che Guevara

A long day:
I left at dawn and arrived at Resistencia at dusk, more than 850 kms later. From Salta I had to return to General Quemes, i missed the roundabout which I was meant to turn right at and thereofre lost time on useless kms. I, finally took the correct road, the police stopped me yesterday and today twice, I showed them my license and they let me go on. The farmers have closed the highways, picketing about problems with taxes, the first time i was refused passage and had to wait one hour the other times i went through them, they shouted at me but i ignored them, didn't even look at them, went through the tyres they were burning and followed on with my trip. Today I encountered it all dogs, goats, horses, thousands of grasshoppers, detours onto dirt and stone tracks, llamas and flocks of birds which on several occasions made me duck as I thought they were heading straight onto the windshield. Entering Resistance I saw a hotel with the entrance surrounded by trees, followed into the centre of town, but I didn't find anything and returned thinking that the hotel at the entrance was a good one but it was a lover's joint. Nevertheless I stayed it had air con and the bike is right next to the room. I closed the curtains, brought all my bags in, I hope this night will be the last of the journey, nothing special on today's route.
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Un dia largo
Salí amaneciendo, llegue a Resistencia atardeciendo, mas de 850 kms, de Salta tuve que regresar a General Quemes, me pase la rotonda que tenia que torcer para la derecha y perdí varios kms., tome el camino correcto, la policía me paro ayer y hoy dos veces,les mostré la licencia y me dejaron ir.Los agricultores cerraron las carreteras, piquetes, por problemas de impuestos,la primera vez no me dejaron pasar y tuve que esperar una hora los otros pase entre ellos, me dieron unos gritos y cero bola, ni los mire y pase entre las gomas que estaban quemando, seguí viaje. En este tramo me encontré con todo perros, chivitos, caballos miles de langostas, desvíos a tierra y piedras, bandadas de pájaros tenia que bajar la cabeza pensando que se iban a estrellar en el parabrisas.
Entrando en Resistencia vi. un hotel con la entrada llena de árboles, seguí a la ciudad no encontré nada y regrese pensando que era un buen hotel y era un mueble, igual con aire y la moto pegada al cuarto, cerré la cortina, baje las cosas, espero sea la ultima noche de este viaje,nada especial en la ruta.