DAY 14 - TIKAL - Guatemala


FACT: Guatemala, is culturally the richest country in Central America. Half the population is Mayan and most continue to practice their beliefs and dialects which are over 20 kinds.
TIKAL, is the biggest excavation of its kind in America and it continues to be a mystery as to why it had been abandoned over 1000 years ago and rapidly disappeared into the jungle.

As mentioned we left the hotel to Tikal at 4 am, the group was made of 5 tourists and the chauffer "Beto". In less than half an hour we were there. I was the only one without a torch, we had to climb up to the lookout and wait silently for day break (sunrise). There were many wildlife noises, monkeys, birds. There was a good shot of temple 4, i waited a bit to get a clear shot but the fog came down and i missed it. Temple 4 is the tallest building and it is the one used in Star Wars.
There were several groups so they divided the groups into the english tour and the spanish tour, wrong choice the guide was a bore and monotonous. we saw nearly all of the ruins, the jungle was fascinating a lot of people were fascinated by the ruins but i don't seem to be excited by a lot of rocks put together, i preferred the jungle. By the end i was exhausted from all the stepping up and down.
back at the hotel i went on the internet, ate fried chicken with lots of salt and got some food to take to my room, had a siesta, woke up got ready for the next day and went back to sleep.
Guatemala es culturalmente el pais mas rico en CA, la mitad de la poblacion es maya y la mayoria sigue practicando sus creencias con sus 20 o mas lenguas.
Tikal es la excavacion mas grande en las americas, sigue siendo un misterio porque fue abandonada mas de 1.000 años y abrazada rapidamente por la selva.
Dia 14 Lunes 11

Salimos antes de las 4 Beto el chauffer y cinco de nosotros
en 25 minutos llegamos alparque, fui el unico que no lleve linterna y de ahi a caminar pa arriba a un mirador donde en silencio a esperar el amanecer y el ruidos de los bichos, nos sentamos en unas gradas, y al rato empezaron los monos que parecian leopardos, los pajaros, empezo a aclarar y habia una toma barbara del templo 4 pero espere que aclarara un poco mas pero empezo una neblina y desaparecio todo, el 4 es el mas alto y que utilizaron en star war.
habia varios grupos y nos separaron los e ingle y español, yo elegi en español y me clave el guia mas aburridor y monotono,vimos la mayoria de las ruinas, la selva fantastica y terminamos en la plaza principal que hay ruinas para todas direcciones, la gente enloquecida, yo no puedo ver la fascinacion con un monton de piedras amontonadas.
Fui al internet, comi pollo frito con mucha sal y compre comida para llevar al hotel, me dormi una siesta, me levante, arregle todo para mañana y me acoste