DAY 21 - Costa Rica

Thomas Fuller (1608-1661) British

Left early on a cloudy Monday 18th of February, towards San Jose. Once again a lot of traffic on the PanAmerican Highway, I ended up in a place called Alajuela passed it and kept going another 27 kms towards Volcan Poas. Lots of curves but beautiful scenery. Taking my time i eventually arrived at the national park. entry fee for foreigners = $US10 and parking 300 colones. From there walked to the craters mouth, awesome, and then i made the error of continuing on to see Lake Botos. I walked, was sweating all the way up to the 2600 mts high, little lake. A photo and back down towards San Jose.
In San Jose there was sooo much traffic. Went passed the city took a few pics and then headed out towards the pacific ocean. Traffic and curves so much of it, i was going at 20kms/hr and the suddenly it opened up and i was able to start a faster, smoother ride... and there it was the pacific ocean. As i was arriving it started to rain, i couldn't see a thing but i kept going soaked, the electric storm gave me a bit of a scare. Along the coast i passed many beaches, Jaco Beach is in photo with the mexican. I like many aspects of Costa Rica, the economy is far superior than in any of the other neighbouring countries.
I wanted to arrive at Quepos but had to stop before it. Stayed at Hotel Don Camino in a place called Parrita, very nice for 11600 colones ($US23), good price. Highly recommended. I got a room at first where the air wasn't working but i was changed without hesitation. Angelina safe and secure behind the restaurant and undercover. I went to eat and left the door open for two hours, no one touched a thing.
Crater volcan Poez,C.Rica.JPG Laguna Botos. C.Rica.JPG Con un Mex playa Jaco,CR.JPGSAME TEXT HERE IN SPANISH: Dia 21 Lunes 18

Sali temprano, nublado con rumbo a San jose, mucho trafico en la panamericana, sali a un pueblo Alajuela lo pase y segui unos 27 kms mas para llegar al Volcan Poas, muchas curvas pero muy pintoresco, despacio llegue al parque entrada para extranjeros 10 us estacionamiento 300colones de ahi a caminar hasta la boca o crater del poas
mujy impresionante y despues cometi el error de seguir caminado para ver laguna Botos camine y sude hasta los 2.600 metros de altura , una lagunita, fotos y pa tras, derecho para san jose y el lcentro un trafico de demonios, me gusto mucho todo ne c.rica, la economia es superior a todo el resto, las calles en la capital chicas semaforos y mas semaforos, saque unos fotos y empece bañado en traspiracion, agarre para el norte otra vez por donde habia venido que me habia recomendado uno en el volcan, pase el aeropuerto y torci para el pacifico, a 20 kms por hora curvas y auto y camiones todo el camino por una hora o mas despues se abrio y empece a caminar enseguida vi el pacifico y empezo a llover , no veia nada pero segui empapado a los 15 minutos se despejo y paro de llover, una tormente electrica que me asusto un poco, tome la costanera sur.
Antes de llegar a San jose pague 100 colones de toll y cuando regrese 50.
pase por un monton de playas, Jaco que esta en la foto con el mex., queria llegar a Quepos pero pare antes en el hotel Don Camino muy lindo por 11.600 colones bien barato H:R, al final no funcionaba el aire y me cambiaron de pieza, la moto segura en el fondo del restaurante bajo techo juntos con los casilleros de cerveza, me fui a comer y deje la puerta abierta, nadie toco nada por dos horas, en el pueblo Parritas, le llaman cabinas a las piezas no es hotel, nadie sabe la diferencia.