Travel Stories I have contributed to

Welcome to my Travel Stories! I wanted to share the best of my adventures which includes the ups and downs, the funny and not-so-funny, and the downright ridiculous and thrilling. Enjoy! I know I did!

Have a story of your own to tell? You can start your own Travel Story here!

The traveller will soon be able to edit this text and introduce their stories in their own personal way.

  • The Eastern Trail Nirvana

    Riding a Suzuki DR650 from Europe to the Pamir area in Tajikistan. A 15.000km trip using as much trails as possible, avoiding populated and tourist areas.

  • The Eastern Trail Nirvana

    Ride report for a 15.000km (that's 10,000 miles) trip from Belgium to the Pamir area in Tajikistan, riding gravel, mud and sand for a good amount of time, on a 1998 Suzuki DR650SE.