From Valparaiso to Pucon

the first days on the bike; heading down south in Chile;Since I'm writing this lines a long time after travelling in this part of Chile I mention only a few things.

Travelling in this part of Chile is no problem. Hostels or campgrounds can be found everywhere. The nice thing in Chile is that there are mountains as well as the Pacific Ocean. And it's only a few hundred kilometers from the PAcific to the Andes. So one day you can spent at the beach an the other day you can go hiking in the mountains.

On our way down south we visited Los Angeles, Chillan, Temuco. Spent several days as well at the Pacific Ocean as in the national parks in the mountains. We visitied to botega Miguel Torres and Rafael climbed the Vulcano Villarica.

One of the highlights of this part of the journey was our stay in the Hostel LA TORRE SUIZA in Villarica, where we spent several days and met nice people.