May 2008 - First adventure on a rebuilt BSA

Until such a time as I get the time to do a big trip again, a quick entry on this little beasty. It's a '38 B21 which I spent a year re-commisioning from a ton of pieces. I've been clocking up a few miles, and one weekend in May 08 set off on the longest trip yet, down to London to visit my brother, visiting the old stomping ground of High Beach, and go to the Vincent Black Shadow day at the Ace Cafe.

'Buster' as young Victoria has dubbed 'him' behaved in a very plucky manner, and although it was reassuring to be accompanied by my old mate Wynn on his custom Dr650, there was no need for him to tow me to the knackers yard. 90 miles of devious back road routes to the 'big smoke' were done without much drama at all, except for the rather poor front brake, and a 'quantity' of oil consumed in leaks from the top end.

However when we got to my brothers after a pleasant afternoon at High Beach, I investgated the dimming of the lights. It turned out the commutator of the dynamo had exploded, jamming it up and also burning out the friction drive. So I had to dismantle it and remove the drive gear. I also found one of the rear light filaments had blown.

Sunday was day off for Buster as we went to the Ace on other machines. The battery benefitted from a charge.

Monday I loaded up and just as I took it off the stand to hit the road the rear stand spring broke. This is why we love bungees.

Outside a lovely church, Furneaux Pelham, Essex

The ride back (once I'd stopped worrying about broken genny, oil consumption, broken stand and bad brakes) was again a pleasure, through lovely old villages, and amazingly in good weather. Here's a nice shot. The inscription on the church tower says, 'Time flies' and ' mind your business' which I took as a cue to look the bike over yet again before continuing.

Near Bedford I was weary, so stopped in the pretty Warden Woods for a breather

Eventually I got home, 90 back road miles and a couple of town centres in 3 hours, not too bad. Also something like 180 miles round trip and a few battle scars, not all on the bike, Rigid frames are for young men I'm afraid. But I guess it goes to show that these old bikes will take you anywhere so long as you're not in a hurry. Fuel consumption around the 75 mpg mark too! Oil consumption not far behind.