Ciudad Neily to Boquete, Panama
31 October 2011Today was 67 miles, in heavy rain, from Ciudad Neily, Costa Rica to Boquete, Panama. We departed at 09:00 and arrived in Boquete at 12:30.
The border crossing from Costa Rica in to Panama took 2:10. We were just ahead of the swarm or it would have been maybe 3:30. Dumb luck.
They required a $2 fee to fumigate the bikes, in the pouring rain, so they could be brought in to Panama. Go figure.
We staying at the Valle Del Rio. Nice place and good Wi-Fi but only in the lobby.
Rest day here tomorrow, 1 November, then on to Panama City on Wednesday, a 283 mile day. Dan Porter, a friend that lives here, warns of "radar' traps between here and Panama City. Basically all they want is $$$. The crooked cops are getting to be pretty old. Then of course there are the crooked bureaucrats at the border crossings. Makes one appreciate the good old U.S.A. and for that matter Western Europe and the U.K.