Route Plan Erm, can you go round the world making it up as you go?
After having spent the last several weeks surrounded by maps, rulers, map measuring devices, calculators and the always scientific bits of string, my grasp of world geography is much better than it used to be, but we still dont have a proper route plan.
We are now on version 7 which is the plan where we dont have a plan. Every time we have reached a decision over the last few months, some civil unrest or war has broken out which has meant we have had to revise the countries we plan to visit. This changes week to week and has a knock on effect to visa applications etc. So we have decided to go and make it up as we along!
The plan so far is;
Friday 28th October Leaving party at our local community centre.
Saturday 29th October - Travel down to London and stay with our lovely friends Hoon and Channie.
Sunday 30th October Go to Halloween rat review at the Ace Café in London, then travel down to Portsmouth and catch the 10pm ferry to Bilbao in Spain.
Tuesday 1st November Start going round the rest of the world!
OK, I know its not a detailed plan, but we still intend to go East through Europe, into Asia, down to Australia, round to Chile and then work our way north through the Americas. We will pick the actual countries to visit as we go depending on how safe they are at the time.