legally back into Namiba

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Beautiful Himba lady in Kaokoland, Namibia

Himba dinky on the bikes

opps, i think its time for a new chainAfter some ordeals & serious convincing, I managed to get out of Botswana and back into Namibia legally! Pheww. As I ride with some relief along some nice dirt roads, I hear a mighty crunch and suddenly all i could think was that It's all over red rover as the bike wasn't going anmywhere. I gesture to Rob, something is seriously wrong and as I look down I see my chain off the sproket! errkkk. On closer inspection, nothing serious but in desparate need of a new chain. Anyway, I'm not worried as Namibia provides a great distraction - what a beautiful country, full of spectacular rolling hills, roaming wild animals by the road & traditional tribal people. It's one of my favourites.


Climbing Dune 7 in Namibia

locals in Etosha National Park