
The day before, so PANICK!

Date of update

Hi, this is a very short blog, the first on a journey to Chernobyl via Holland, Germany, Poland, Belarus, Ukrain and the Czeck republic. We are a group of 12 people, 9 riders, a support driver, an interperator and a camara man. The trip is in aid of the CCP (UK) c/o bikeaid.org.uk we are all on there as is the chance to donate something for the KID's NOT us, that is important.

Don't panick Mr Mannering

Date of update

say's "Jone's" well Mick actually.
My 2 panniers on my Beemer R1100S are packed and I still have space left. I work on the following principle; having checked that I have all the correct documentation, anything forgoten can be bought.
Note to self, pick up wallet and credit cards.
See you in Rotterdam Martin.

their off!

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Lorraine here, aka Mike's other half. (missing him already!)

Well Mick left 3 hours ago for Hull and I guess everyone else is en route now.

Good luck everyone, have fun along the way and as the French say "Bon route"

I'll look forward to hearing all your news.


Day one, Holland to Hannover

Date of update

Left home at 18:30and met Dave at the Tesco unleaded as arranged. No worries, We got to he premier Travel Inn to meet Mark, Dave and Tim at 20:00, no show, at 21:00 we get a call from a little chef on the A12. They are having a meal where are we, that was the way it started!
When they arrived at the correct Premier inn we set of for Harwich, down the wrong road, me in the lead, Dave takes over with the sat nav and we get to the docks well in time for the sailing. 4 in one room Dave K on his own, lucky boy!

Day Three, Berlin to Proznan.

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Chernobyl Challenge Day Three, Berlin to Proznan.
27 Aug 2007
Before we start day three it is worth mentioning that one of us, Tim, very nearly started a “domino” affect when he stalled his bike whilst turning in to the parking area. He and it tippled over just nudging the next bike, a Be Ma, oops, Still thats all he did so thats ok, eh?

Day Four, Poznan to Siedlce

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Chernobyl day four. Poznan to Siedlce
28 Aug 2007
To finish yesterday. We experienced our first tiff! James and John went in to Poznan for a beer, like you do, got back got back a bit after we had all gone to bed. Jame's promptly fires up the computer to mail his other half. Mike 'C' who's room he was sharing was unhappy to be disturbed by the dulcet tones of the windows opening tune and pointed this out.......the rest well, they did make up?
We did have hells own job getting James to wake up this morning, its as well he wasn't driving.

Day seven, Gomel to Kiev

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Chernobyl day seven, Gomel to Kiev
Friday August 31st
Friday, easy day ? The idea was we get up for breakfast, do a bit of shopping (those that were in the mood) then at eleven we go visit the kids. Sorted.......well not exactly.....close though.
The breakfast was different, butter, cheese, salami & sweetcorn for the first course. Followed by potato pancakes, they are actually not so bad, with cranberry sauce we think. They brought us a drink of something between carrot with orange and tomato juice! Aaahhh. We had tea and coffee

Day six, Pinsk to Gomel

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Chernobyl Challenge, day six, Pinsk to Gomel
Thursday 30th August 2007
No WiFi again so this is a back fill, which is ok. Did I mention falling out of bed in Siedlce? Well I did much to Dave's amusement, no sympathy that boy!

Day five Siedlce to Pinsk

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Chernobyl challenge Day Five Siedlce to Pinsk
29 August 2007
This blog will not surface on the day it is written, there is no Wi Fi see! We are in Pinsk, Belarus. The weather has been good to us so far and today is no different, fine sunny but not so warm today. The weather is getting cooler a we move East, just as you would expect really. Today is just like an autumn day, about 17c and sunny.

Naughty Boys!!

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Well talk about the Blind leading the Blind!

It would seem that Martin (owner of this blog) was leading the way and happily overtaking on a white line and so all the others followed suit! (Very Naughty!). This would be fine if there had not been a policeman watching them, who'd have thought of that?

Day Eleven, Przemsyl to Krakow

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Chernobyl, day eleven, Przemsyl to Krakow.
04 September 2007
I don't like Monday's, they are wet and dank days. Yeh ok so this is Tuesday but it feels like Monday! We have had 160 miles of rain, and when it didn't rain, it tipped it down. We are not so happy bunnies, it is only 18:26 here so the day could still improve eh?

Chin up Chaps!

Date of update

Hi everyone, sounds like its been quite a journey in more ways than just the miles covered!

Your on the homeward stretch now, so chin up, hope for sunshine (how much more rain can you have!) think of home, loved ones waiting for your return and the comfort of your own beds! Bliss!

And hey Martin...LOL at the "Ps Lotte, Lotty, Lotti we got to many 'Zloty's ok!" A virtual hug for Mick (Tuckleberry) Scaife!

Ride safe.

Lotty x

Homeward Bound.

Date of update

So the boys are on the final leg of their journey back to the UK. Just spoke with Mick S and some of them have got on the Rotterdamn Ferry, others are enbarking the Ferry for Harwich. James left a couple of days ago to fly home for another assignment.

However........ Martin it would seem is, er well.... thats a good question, where is Martin?

Apparently he left the main group to to meet with some friends in Belgium but missed them, so no-one is quite sure where Martin is going to end up!

I'm sure he will get home eventually!

Chernobyle Challenge, the final days.

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Chernobyl challenge day Thirteen, Fourteen and Fifteen (ish)
Raciborz - Prague – Kassel
September 6/7/8 – 2007
Wednesday 06 – 09 - 07
We leave Raciborz in the rain, getting a bit familiar this.
Just how many days can it rain. We stopped to get directions from a geezer name of Noah, he stops building what looks like a boat and he tells me it could carry on raining for up to 40 days and nights, some help he was. These locals are ..........?