Naughty Boys!!
Well talk about the Blind leading the Blind!
It would seem that Martin (owner of this blog) was leading the way and happily overtaking on a white line and so all the others followed suit! (Very Naughty!). This would be fine if there had not been a policeman watching them, who'd have thought of that?
Anyway, it seems that Martin and Mick S (my other half) were the two targeted for an on the spot fines. Mick and the others maintain it was Martin's fault as they were just following suit ;-) he was leading the way and should have seen the cop!
Personally, I think it was probably a bit of... er should we call it "extra pocket money" for the policeman and he saw them coming from a mile off!
It seems that Micks name (Michael, that is) in Russian means "Little Bear" so has a new nick name Yogi Bear, thats quite funny as anyone who has met Mick knows he is far from SMALL! LOL. Love n Miss you hun X
I've now had a lovely chat with Mark's wife Al, it seems the boys are having too much fun without their better halfs (us girls) so we must all try to put that right and have a get together when everyone is back safe.
Hope you don't mind me hi-jacking your blog Martin! Keep up the good work.
Lorraine (aka Lotty) x