The Traveliving Series: Kasetophono

The Traveliving Series: Kasetophono

Posted on June 26, 2017 by The Pin Project




Road trip means music. Good music. PERIOD!

Κασετόφωνο or Kasetophono is a type of tape machine for playing and recording audio compact cassettes. (source: Wikipedia) is something “bigger” than a regular tape machine and the last five years it has transformed massively the way we travelive.

The curator of this Greek music website has put such a love and dedication to produce an amazing variety of mixtapes based on the activity you are doing, your mood, the time of the day, several genres of music as well as the current weather. The matching of the tracks and the category is mind-blowing. Party mood, rainy weather, cleaning the house, night drive; Kasetophono has it all and they are countless. To be honest, we have not listened to all the albums so far.

Since we don’t have constant internet while driving, we download the albums we love, so we can hear them offline in our car stereo.

Our favorite picks: Cooking, Night drive & Summer balconies.

Thanks to Kasetophono mixtapes, traveliving has been fun, creative, inspiring.


Kasetophono | The soundtrack of your future memories


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