Respite in Oberammergau

So a lovely week of respite in Oberammergau, Barvaria.

My family came to join me and we enjoyed a wonderful week of climbing hills, eating in mountain restaurants, taking trains up the Zugspitze, Germany's highest mountain and relaxing.

Betty has been put right by the local garage and is ready to go, although her oil consumption is beginning to worry me. Saying that, she has been mercilessly thrashed up and down autobahn/autostrada/toll roads, something the lady was really not designed to do. Perhaps this increases the oil consumption?

So, tommorrow it is an early delivery to Munich airport, a visit to Dachau concentration camp (I love the cheery thing) and then over the Stelvio Pass to Bormio in Italy, Something Betty will be much more adept to.

We have all loved Oberammergau, the apartment was the best we have ever stayed in, for the least price ever paid. The people have been wonderfully warm and friendly, I could not say a bad thing about the whole of German. I would move here, but I think I would damage the place irrepairibly!