Strangest Thing Ever Shipped?
What's the strangest thing you've ever sent?When I was at Heathrow having my bike crated I asked Dave, who was making my crate, what's the strangest thing hes ever sent?
Ive been in this job for twelve years, he replied, the strangest thing Ive ever packed was a penis.
What markings were on the box?, I asked, one careful owner?.
Youre having me on!. Exclaimed Pete, he had a shaved head, two nose rings and venom tattooed across his neck. They'd been working together for four years.
No, it was a real, frozen, penis. It was going to be used in medical research.
Its a bit late to test with Viagra, I quipped.
Unless its the new super strong version, said Venom.
It didnt seem an appropriate moment to argue with him.
He was clearly amazed and impressed.
What happened to the donor?
I dont know, I just boxed it up and sent it.
He must have ticked the Please use my willy box on his organ donors card, added Venom.
Hmm, where's my card?
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