LORENZ Well,what fun(!) The miles to Dover ground along with a welcome stop at Grantham to see Ness´s folks then off with time to spare for the 4pm ferry,unless some geezer plants his motaaa into the central barrier...3 miles of lane skipping/white lining and HO for the Dartford tunnel.
My intro to the M25 has given me more respect! The A2/M2 went too near Canterbury to miss so a quick in/out/get lost meant 100mph was seen often! Made the 6pm ferry with 2 mins.to spare and time to stop panicking ANY MORE.(Must try to remember that) Norfolk Lines at 18quid a pop plus 5 fuel charge, bargain! 23 for us and the bike is GOOD.
Riding on Euro M'ways is so much easier with much less traffic so far, tomorrow is our first experience of weekdays so time will tell. My leathers were jettisoned by Sat p.m. so my protection system is fear and surprise for now Ness continues to swelter..
In Wales we´d toyed with a crap self inflating cushion (also self deflating thanks to poor manufacture)but the Allyn Air Seat(Google it) arrived in time for our departure and is bloody good, much reduced numbumitis, and 40 pounds well spent so the blög goes on (to be continued...)