
Terrifying. Three months and some change left till it's time to go. It feels so close!IMG_3582.jpg

The trip with two women is contingent on support
from our friends, family, followers and fans on Kickstarter.
We are almost done with our video and are working on
last minute visibility that will tell a whole bunch more
people about our Adventure.

We have worked really hard to make our campaign
successful and are hoping with all our being that we
are able to pull it off. In six short weeks, we will know.


Should this not be a reality for us, I plan
to break the piggy bank, cash out my
retirement and go anyway. By myself.
I'll leave as soon as the contract I am
working here is finished and head to
Santiago. This will be the site I use to
tell you the story.

In the meantime, I will post weekly to
tell you progress and also let you know
how to find our Kickstarter campaign.
If you have any extra cash at all..
$10 even... It's not as important how
much as how many helping hands we
can find to send us on our way.


The trip is not just about us..
When I've travelled before, one of my
favorite things I enjoyed was learning
about other amazing female travelers!
Links to their pages will be provided as
well as plenty of pictures.
Our plan is to tell you about who we
meet, what we eat, where we are, and
what happens along the way.

I already have 4 cameras for my
bike and wing, so I'll be doing short
videos and link you to Vimeo as often
as possible.

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It's so hard to sit still!
As Kari would say,

Love, Light and Lift