Two women are getting ready to ride motorcycles from New Mexico to Santiago, Chile

Learn about our ride from concept, to funding.IMG_3633.JPG
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The two of us will be riding motorcycles and Flying our paragliders through every country we ride through from New Mexico to Santiago, Chile.. On the way, we will be filming a documentary to show you what the trip looks like for women.. inside our story, we will weave in other amazing womens stories that we meet along the way!

The purpose of this is about empowering women. I’ve spent
a great deal of time as the only woman on many motorcycle
rides and mountaintops, I honestly think it’s because women
don’t see women in these roles. We belong here! It’s not physically
demanding, it does take detailed focus and is a great lot of fun!
I want to put female adventurers on the screen.. not made up
beauty queens or “reality” TV.. Real women, real honest and
on our own. We want to share with you tales from the road, the sky and our heart.

Kari doesn’t even ride a motorcycle yet! She’ll have 10,000 miles to learn.
Helping with film, making paragliding connections and her huge soul are
what make her perfect. That and she will say “Yes!” to any adventure! HAH!

We are going to tell you about our own experience, other amazing women adventurers, flying sites, good (and bad) routes, and be taking lots of video
as we scoot through the Americas. If we don’t meet funding goals, I will be
going alone. I’ll still be blogging and writing a book, (eventually) but the
Documentary won’t be a reality.

Right now, this campaign will define the story! It’s really an exciting time for us, because it will give us a “players list”

here's the link to our campaign!

As Kari would say,

Love, Light and Lift.
