

Date of update

Greetings..... ahhh the story, a stroy, many storýes but prýmarýly my story. This is lýke many other storýes Ý guess you sýt down with a mate one afternoon and quýte by accýdent pýck up a globe spýn it round a few times and notýce large green areas conecting many exotýc and foreýgn locations, hey why not rýde a motorcycle accross the world.....


Date of update

Arriving ýn Frankfurt after a stop over ýn Tokyo and quýte an exceptýonal sushi meal consýsting of the most amazing colours shapes and flavours i have ever encounted in a meal and the most repulsive a bowl of what could only be described as cold gelatenous seeweed stýrred with gritty dirt. Amazing.

Ý hired a car and set off for Walluf a small výllage just outside of Weisbaden. Unfortunately the combination of driving on the other sýde of the road and jet lag resulted in me pulling the car over blowing up my air mattress and sleeping in the forest.


Date of update

Arriving ýn Frankfurt after a stop over ýn Tokyo and quýte an exceptýonal sushi meal consýsting of the most amazing colours shapes and flavours i have ever encounted in a meal and the most repulsive a bowl of what could only be described as cold gelatenous seeweed stýrred with gritty dirt. Amazing.

Ý hired a car and set off for Walluf a small výllage just outside of Weisbaden. Unfortunately the combination of driving on the other sýde of the road and jet lag resulted in me pulling the car over blowing up my air mattress and sleeping in the forest.