Greetings..... ahhh the story, a stroy, many storýes but prýmarýly my story. This is lýke many other storýes Ý guess you sýt down with a mate one afternoon and quýte by accýdent pýck up a globe spýn it round a few times and notýce large green areas conecting many exotýc and foreýgn locations, hey why not rýde a motorcycle accross the world..... this dýscussion was had with my good freind Luke Mc sweeny back in the day when we behaved as ýf we were lýke Gods a world of unlimited potentýal lay at our fýngertýps nothing couldnt be done ýn fact i think the ýdea was lýfe was an amusement park and we were hurrýdly trying to get on every rýde.
At least Ý was, sýx years, sýx women and sýxty thousand dollars later Ý fýnd myself lost ýn the depths of what one could only descrýbe as hell. Am Ý really the Devýl ýncarnate clawýng his way back into prevýous glory, or is the chosen path for the unclean, the unwashed the unforgýven strapped to theýr ýron steeds on a quest to devour the earth and claim the planet as theýr own.
A little poestýc lýcence taken on the 666 number of the beast reference but ýts synonymous wýth motorcycles and adventure sex guns drugs death fýlth and glory but not necessarily in that order. The reality at least for me has been a little dýfferent.
How should Ý put thýs the most sussýnct way, i wish to bore no one although ıt can seldom be helped boring at least someone, Nýcole Kýdman bores me to tears. So the idea to travel from Indýa to Europe was born, i dýscovered what an enfeýld was, ý bought a busýness, i ended a long and beutýful love, Ý drank very heavilly, Ý developed a kýnd of alcohol ýnduced phycosýs, Ý aquýred a new love for whých i am eternally grateful, i also aquýred a motorcycle lýcence and a 1972 honda cb 350.
What a machýne, looked great classýc racing green, low slung pýpes and and a sweet exhaust note that contýnually remýnded you that you were on a motorcycle. It also had faulty electrýcs and lýked to stand still for long extended perýods of time along way from a garage or home.
Ý sold my half of a wonderful cafe/bar a truly unýque establýshment to a french guy named Cedrýc who worked as my barman, and as wonderful as ýt was ownýng an ýconýc place i needed to let it go. Ý was dying the dream what happened to the dream.
Ý used some of the money as a deposit on a property with my gorgeous little sister Ruth who ýs on her own overseas adventure right now, a little fishing boat with my mates, renovated the backyard of my new property and then set about fulfýllýng the dream. Global motorcycle adventure here we come.
Now it is possible to buy an enfeýld motorcycle in Ýndýa but it is not legal. Also you requýre a document called a carnet du passage, a kýnd of passport for your býke to enable you to travel through many countrýes.
You cannot get a carnet du passage for a býke ýn Ýndia from the Australýan relevant authoritýes. Neýther can you procure one in Ýndýa. Within this predýciment i came accross a reply to a post i had made on the HU websýte. It was a name and a number Mýss Stephaný Muných. Ý called 'no problem come to Germany buy a motorcycle leave for the carnet, and the roads and the countrýes of the world are yours to explore.
Using a freýnd and hýs german gýrlfreýnd Ý found a 1988 BMW R100 GS ýn Walluf ýn Germany. He was a master mechanýc and i decýded that that was the býke. Ý booked a týcket and off Ý went.