Pakistan / Summary
What can you say?, Pakistan has problems as we are well aware. My personal belief is that they will get worse before they get better. I had a great time in Lahore apart from one incident which didn't concern a local. The scenery was fantastic, from the green of the Punjab to the isolation of the deserts. Did I enjoy Pakistan? well alot of the riding was very hard but that is why this is my adventure if I was shooting down motorways it would be boring and I had expected it to be hard, maybe not so hard. So from the riding side it was adventurous. BUT here's the thing.... To me visiting a country is about meeting locals and interacting with them and getting to know their culture. Apart from a few occassions this was not possible as I was shut up in my hotel room. I spent practically the whole time alone, most of the Pakistanis I did converse with were very friendly and generous. I had expected to meet up with other bikers but there are none here.
The security issue has dominated the whole journey and is a great shame.
Would I do it all again?
NO!! not until Pakistan is more stable. The dangers were real, most of which you won't hear about in western media, a bomb went off outside Quetta while I was there. (Google it.) The news was full of incidents on a daily basis and not just in the Swat Valley area but all over the country.
I accept the risks of riding and possible accidents but this was too high a gamble for me to repeat.
I accept some on the horizons unlimited community won't like, or agree with my views but thats my experience and I'd advise them to take a different route.
Wow!! most unlike me to offer an opinion.