Peninsula Valdes

Ahoyhoy following friends,
I hope you´re both well still.
First off we managed just shy of 500miles today to give some extra time on the Peninsula Valdes where the guide book promises whale watching by boat; actually the book is wrong and the whales have apparently swum on but we´ll see what we can see wrt nature tomorrow. Also going to give Sir Humphrey some TLC tomorrow too. Little Tigger and Magpaws are so dirty they´ve opted for aiming to black up in grime and dust rather than risk an inconsistent and risky wash.
No pìcs today alas but met some great folks - Argentinian bikers, Lancashire 2nd honeymooners et al. Everyone is lovely here despite the press trying to whip up fuss with Prince William being in the Falklands.
Its really hard to keep one´s fluids up as at one point today it was over 40deg, I´m fat and unfit therefore I´m made to sweat just by breathing and I still have the squits let alone interminable tonsilitis. I must be getting through 8+ litres of fluid a day!
Despite the heat and the dust the going has been good until heading out onto the Peninsula Valdes where the wind had be cranked over to stay straight more than I usually do going around a roundabout; upto 20deg at times!

Oh and yesterday we made a good 300miles from Las Flores and camped overnight in Bahia Blanca in the behemoth that is our Redverz tent come garage kindly supplied by The Adventure bike shop. If you travel by bike and camp then this is without doubt the tent for you - it fits intop of one pannier and I can nigh on stand up in it! My, laughingly named, Spanish rice and treacle sponge donated by Scott of Hinchingbrooke A&E was very much enjoyed once heated on the stove its just a shame I saw it again so quickly.

Thats all for now, I´m goin to find some nosh and hit the hay of a proper bed.

