Photos from Real & Guanajuato

Real de Catorce: The view out my hotel window on a misty morning. View of the main Cathedral in Real. Looks a little better inside, no? I´m told this is where Julia Roberts, et. al., stayed while filming "The Mexican" here. I saw that when it came out, guess I´ll have to rent it sometime and see how much I recognize. Real: Prickly pear in bloom with yet another cathedral in the background. Some little town: Nectar of the Gods. Cuban rum and coke in a can, what a concept. Guanajuato: Los tres motoqueros, Xavier, Andres y Enrique. My Ecuadoran friends Street scene in Guanajuato. The colors are unbelievable here. Guanajuato: Another cathedral? No, inside it´s a huge flea market.