Some USA Photos
A few pictures with comments. They're not too big, but could take a little while to view.It's not the Virgen of Guadalupe, you'll see some of those once I get 2,000 miles south, but this is what those Norskies in Wisconsin build for roadside memorials.
Southwestern Wisconsin has some of the best motorcycling and bicycling roads anywhere. Seven months out of the year, anyway.
Somewhere in Wyoming. These things bug me for some reason. A painted on cattle guard. Are cows really so stupid they look at these lines and think they can't walk across them? If they are, I will never feel guilty about eating one again.
Portland Oregon, my niece Ursula, biker chick in training. Notice how much cuter she is than any other baby you have ever seen. Smarter, too.
South of US 50, near the Nevada/Utah border. This was cool. A dry lake a few miles long, miles and miles from anywhere. Out in the middle it was totally flat, with nothing to hit. I bet you could close your eyes and pin the throttle. Didn't prove that myself though.
Shrine Pass, near Leadville, CO. All motorcycles are dual sportable, it's just a matter of degree.
Leadville, Colorado. A very soggy campground at the Horizons Unlimited meet.