Black Africa

„es gibt horizontales und vertikales reisen. das horizontale reisen erweist sich in flächen- und raumdeckender fortbewegung unter stetigem wechseln des eigenen standorts in bezug auf längen- und breitengrade. es verläuft zweidimensional ohne furchen in der welt oder bei den reisenden zu hinterlassen. vertikales reisen hingegen - obwohl es in der folge vom horizontalen reisen auftreten kann- findet an jedem beliebigen geographischen ort statt, erhebt sich raketengleich in den himmel, güßt die götter und die sterne, oder lotet in den tiefen des untergrunds und der seele, wohin uns die schulweisheit nie ein ticket ausstellen würde.“
(aus micky rehmann, der globaltrottel, eins meiner zahlreichen lieblingsbücher)

hello and welcome to my blog.

i know it has taken quite a bit of time, but you better get used to it. but don't worry. compared to you guys, i'm never lost!


this picture only shall demonstrate my hard und serious efforts to learn about african culture. and i'm doing well so far. i spend 6 weeks in the gambia and reached casamache senegal after. more quite here, not so much hassel.

i'm looking for the african soul, but what i find is only my soul. and i still not always like what i can see there. but i don't feel really bad on this. it is just some kind of transition: my view of the world is canging dramatically. it's excitig and never boring.

my favourite place is called the tavern (some of you might remember). strange place. they tried to cheet me many times, steel my wallet, gave me change wrong. bt i liked it from the beginning: good music, cheap ganjia and beer, some really good friends from the ghetto.




thesse pictures i found on the memory of a not really working camera. all pics with me happend in bajul (smoking a lot of ganjia), all others i have no clue where and who. just some authentic pictures.










up to now i didn't make a lot of pictures of human. my focus was more the fantastic scenery. ok:


this is haddy. saw her dancing in the club speakless with open mouth. she can dance like josefine baker (whoever does't know this very impressive lady should google now!).

alex, taxi driver


ami, hairdresser, likes to open her own shop


ken, really stoned


this is the camp esperanto, no electricity, brown water, but good food and very relaxed (we feel good now)



camp3 (2).jpg


this is sally. 32 year old, 1kid, not married, never visited a school, learnd basic writing with a mobile on her own, born here, will die here as well, if no one showing up to get her out (i can't be her prince)


ich habe micky rehmann hier geguttenbergt weil dieses zitat neulich wieder mal einfiel. ja. ich habe die götter schon gegrüsst und nun bin in den tiefen meiner seele und meinen schatten, dem untergrund.
es geht mir gut dabei. es ist spannend, verwirrend, oft anstrengend aber nie langweilig. ich geniesse jeden tag.

macht euch um mich keine sorgen. ich fühle mich genau richtig in dem was ich tue. werde morgen richtung guinea bissau starten.

coming to the end my secret love: fatu


12 years old, clever and very smart, helping everywhere (or looking from the other side, standing in the way) can move thru the camp like a tornado, or like a cat, has her eyes everywhere, can dance like having no bones, the only girl not wants to merry me....

best regards to all

feel free to forward the link....
