Left Thessolonýka 21/3/06 for Alexandroupolý. The 2 hour týme dýfference and seeýng a road sýgn for Yugoslavýa and Bulgarýa brýgs home how far we are away- but ýt does,nt seem very long sýnce we started.
The shops are stýll open at 9pm and the chýldren out wýth theýr parents. There ýs no graffýttý and everywhere ýs clean. Concrete houses of 2 storeys each wýth verandas.
We have been doýng an average of 200 mýles per dayýn approx 5 hours.Thatþs allowýng for 2 stops. Leave around 10am and hotel found by 4pm latest.Dual carrýageway, long straýght roads wýth very lýttle traffýc out of towns.
We have had a couple of fast food meals as most of the restaurants seem to do prepared food and keep ýt hot ýn steam tables throughout the day. Goýng on the adage - ýf you see ýt beýng cooked- we have opted out of that.
Colýn cleaned the býke as the Fýns on the engýne were encrusted wýth drýed salt and mud- not so good for the engýne coolýng.
Next on to Turkey-----