Ukraine to Germany

Tues 29 July and we were off again to Uzehrod.---- a gruelling 361 miles as there was 'no room at the inn' at the hotel we wanted to stay at Mukarevo!

On the way there we were stopped by the police again---- this time for speeding at 112 kph - in a 60 zone--- but there were no signs saying the reduction of speed. Apparantly the river had risen 4 metres and had taken a section of the bank and road out( on the other side of the road to us).
The young policeman jumped up and down saying 'why, why? - very dangerous, very dangerous'.Colin was then taken to sit in the police car with the papers! Apparantly he had a right telling off and suddenly the policeman said '100 Euros'. Colin said we had no euros ( true) and then the guy looked at me and said 'how long have you been married'?-- 39 years was the reply.'How old are you'- 63. ' How old is your wife-- 62. A look of utter increduality came across his face and he then said 400 grivners( £45. 54) and you may go NOW'

Colin handed over the money and it was hidden under his cigarette packet and we were told again to 'go now'!---- Heaven alone knows what would have happened if I had'nt had that amount on me!

So total police charges in Ukraine amount to 79.54!

We got to Uzeherod at 7pm to find a delightful hotel on the side of the road---- you'll never believe it---- the Hotel Sherwood !


complete with----


We managed to phone Brendon and Tasha from here---we have had alot of problems with the phone till now.----- only to find that we had phoned them at 3.15 am their time------ whoops !!!!

wed 30 July and back to Spiska in Slovakia. We were about 10 minutes from the border and there were dozens and dozens of cars and lorries waiting to cross. We decided that we had better 'be good' and stay in line---- which was'nt so good for Colin as he was roasting in the sun at 39 degrees.---- i skuttled off to stand in the shade !

we were eventually processed and asked how many cigarettes we had. The guy felt the front panniers and i had to open the top box and he felt all of the contents ( but did'nt ask to see inside my handbag)-- but that was all. about 2 hours later and we were through to slovakia.( Watches back an hour )




stoops of hay

Through the gentle mountains on good roads. good signposts and good facilities at the garages !It is all so clean and tidy with well tended houses--- like a breath of fresh air!


I managed another swim with the castle looming above me !

Thurs 31 july and on to Nitra passing an old walled city--





where we had a good hotel in the middle of the square.

fri 1 aug and on to St sebastian, nr Marazelle in Austria.As soon as we had crossed into Austria we felt as if ' we were on our hols' and not travelling. The relief is noticeable in both of us. Got a vignette to allow the motorway travel at the border


Called into a roadside pension and as we were coming out there was an angle and some soft ground.---- the back wheel got stuck and over Hermie went--- with Colin stepping off VERY smartly. He managed to get the engine switched off - as it had fallen on that side, of course!
A man and a lady rushed up and we were able to get the bike upright. Colin's pride was dented and his shin grazed-- but other than that no damage. Thank heaven for the crash bars and panniers.( later on found out that one of the spare bulbs had shattered----- we can live with that!)



petrol here is £1.20 and diesel £1.29

sat 2 Aug and into St Gilgen in Germany on the 'romantic road'. The scenery is stunning with loads of twists and hair pin bends. Weather remains hot at 30 degrees! land slides are visible . The houses are pretty with flowers on the verandahs and painted in bright colours.



and the armoured guard is necessary !




it is holiday time here, of course and we called into 8 places before we managed to get a room-- but then the view was stunning---


sun 3 aug and we are at Berchtesgaden and tomorrow are off to see The Eagles Nest--- Hitler's mountain retreat. staying her for a couple of days.


we have heard that Brendon and Tasha are at Irkutz--- still got a long way to go but they have done so well. I really take my hat off to them.They say they are battered and bruised but OK. One line that Brendon said made me feel better-----'if tasha had'nt been here to speak the language. i would have given up a long time ago'.

Our total miles5225--- more to come.