Arrival in Dubai

We are finally in Dubai, where we left off last time! We will pick up Miss Adventure II and head south down through Oman, Yemen, into Ethiopia and south to South Africa. In May we will fly up to Amsterdam to meet Bins Dad to celebrate his 70th birthday in style doing a canal boat cruise to Budapest for 14 days, then...who knows!? Maybe, do another cruise around Europe by boat or bike!

Pat picked up dengue fever while sailing on our friends yacht in the Phillipines last week and is now recuperating and building his strength back up for the next leg of our adventure.

We hope to update this blog about once a month and do regular facebook updates as well with lots of photos. Our facebook name is Belinda Patrick Peck. Join up as our friends if you havent already. Only friends can view our photos.

Hang onto your computer keyboard and come for a ride with us! By the way, Pat turns 60 this year and we will celebrate our 10th wedding anniversary as well, somewhere in Africa doing what we love doing! Feel free to pop in and see us anywhere, anytime...catch us if you can! hehe