We found this very helpful for travels in Eastern Europe, so thought we would share it with other travellers. Relevant for July 2006

Country : Fuel / Exchange rate July06 / Emergency no / Alcohol

Germany : €1.32 / €1=€1 / +49 22 22 22 / 0.5

Poland : €1.07 / €1=PLN4 / +48 6183 19892 / 0.2

Ukraine : €0.70 / €1=UAK6.3 / 987 / 0.0

Czech : €1.09 / €1=CZK28 / 1230 / 0.0

Romania : €0.98 / €1=ROL3.5 / +40 745382715 / 0.0

Hungary : €1.09 / €1=HUF260 / +36 613451755 / 0.0

Slovakia : €0.99 / €1=SKK38 / +42 12444 56860 / 0.0

From Patrick and Belinda last seen in Romania heading south.