Wednesday 09 Sept - St Louis - St Robert(MO)
The stunning Gateway Arch was built in the early 60's as a tribute to the pioneers that opened up the country to the west of the Missippi notably the famed explorers Lewis and Clark who set forth from here to the Pacific along the length of the Missippi.The trip to the observation deck is done in tiny pods but the view from the centre of the arch is incredible.
It takes about one hour to escape the suburbs of St Louis but then 66 opens up into vast tracts of forest with the first actual sweeping bends since leaving Chicago.No matter how determind you are to resist "The Mermac Caves" the incredible array of signs will draw you to this old favourite at Stanton.These are said to have been used by Jessie James and his gang at one point in his pursuit by the law.
We had intended to stay in Rolla for the night but the gods conspired against us by booking every room in the town for "The Missourii tour" so we were forced to moves twenty miles up the road to St. Robert a town that only seems to exist because of its proximity to an army training camp.