So much for the BBC weather app! It reckons there is just 'light cloud' here today, but the reality is that it is tipping it down. I'm beginning to feel like that truck driver in So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish who, unbeknownst to himself, is a rain god who is followed around by his own personal rain cloud.
Still, at least I can sit in this nice, warm, dry hut and wait to see if the cloud will lift.
And lift it duly did and off I set. And that's when I made my first mistake of the day. Rather than stop at the first petrol station in the village - I had only just got started, and anyway the bike said there was enough fuel for another 110 km - I decided to push on, assuming that there would be a station along the way or at my next way station.
There wasn't. 55 km down the road and no sign of a station. And the satnav reckoned that the closest station was the one I had passed at the beginning. And now the bike reckoned I had enough fuel for 52 km!
Fortunately, I stopped at a roadside café and asked about the nearest fuel station, and was told there was one 38 km further up the road. So I set off, being very careful with the throttle, and made it with fuel to spare.
My next mistake was hoping to do a bit of fishing. The 'visit Finland' website says you can buy permits from fishing tackle shops, petrol stations, etc. No you can't! Apparently, the rules have changed recently, and the only place issuing fishing permits is the Forestry Department (go figure!), and of course their office is closed on Saturday. Ho hum.
Think I'll just head for Norway, it's only another 100 km or so from here.