Lake Atitlan

Lake Atitlan deserves all the praise it gets but it seems to attract the ecceltic. A lot of people who want to believe the 60s never ended have made their home here.

The lake is served by many “launchas” or little boats that depart roughly every 30 minutes. I spent some time in the town of Panachel, although it is probably the most gringo infested town whereas San Marcos was known for its hippies and new age gurus. This little girl was very persistent in trying to get me to buy something but I just didn’t want to carry any more stuff. I eventually bought her a coke and gave her some money for a photo. I told her to sit down and take a load off- literally, she was standing there for a long time balancing the stuff on her head. It was a weird but nice experience as we talked a lot about her life in Guatemala.