Week 3

For me, to get in contact with the country, language and culture of the countries you visit is important.

By exposing myself to the environment. And to  don't hide on turistical environment protected from the real world.

Compare for an example, a cup of coffe in a small french town at the loca café. And a stop at an autoabahn gas station.

During the week (and before) I tried my best.

I visited local cafés. In Spain I participated in a communion in Spanish, in Albuferia one in Portuguese. I was to a portuguese AA meeting in Portimao, passed by Albufera Moto Club and earlier Moto club de de Faro. I found  small beaches and local stores. I also found a chess club in Portimao.

Those things gave me a lot of nice experiences.

But now the last week of this trip is over.