Biloxi Blues
Speak Plainly, You Damned Imbecile
5.2.10 Soto La Marina, Mexico
Apart from the towel, with which a 14th century Dutch farmhand would have been embarrassed to be caught wiping off a sow's teats, Hotel Meda in Panuoco isn't too bad. OK - it stinks, inside and out, but the food's excellent. If you're wondering how it's possible for a hotel to stink outside - guess what? so am I - but I assure you it is.
High Plains Snifter
Utah Be Ah Goonah
21/3/10 Moab, Utah
The northern end of New Mexico is pretty. Colorado is stunning. Utah is something else entirely. It's a lesson in not thinking "the last place was amazing - next one's boundabe crap".
MRI Scanner
San Simeon, CA. 23.4.10
"Oooh! You don't want to leave today dearie! Terribly high winds on the way!" warns the landlady as I pack up in Flagstaff.
"Pshaw!" I think. "I've ridden through Patagonia don'cha know. No man's put me down yet!"
Dork Of The Town
30.4.10 Mariposa, CA
I'm sitting at the bar in the 49er Club, owned and run by the enigmatic, shades-indoors-in-a-good-way (i.e. "I did stupendous amounts of acid 40 years ago and I actually HAVE to wear them") Randy, when a fellow who might almost be Stephen King's ugly brother (same glasses and too-small features, more warts) sits down and orders - are you ready for this - a pint of Budweiser with a tomato juice in it.
It Didn't Happen In Monterey
24.4.10 Monterey, CA
At last! Microwave Cheese-On-Toast. *literally dies*
Before we go any further, I'd like you to look at this photograph of a food product I saw in a supermarket in Arizona, and reflect upon the fact that civilization is wheezing its last.
A Burst Of Dirty Thunder
4.5.10 San Francisco, CA
Yosemite, one last time. Amazoid.
A Distant Overture
The End Times
2.6.10 Vancouver, Canada
Oof! I forgot to mention that Yosemite National Park is AWE-OID. For future reference, some of it remains closed (i.e. snowbound) until sometime in May, but if you have to pawn your teeth to see it before the awful black silence of the universe engulfs you - do it.
The Grand Canyon - a large thing which I've forgotten to mention altogether - is also quite good.