24-3-15 Tuesday
Lost again but only 100 miles off route. Roads were worth it.Only 200 miles today, nice and easy. Had a late start as I wanted to see the Eiffel Tower in Paris so awaited daylight.
Very impressive.
Headed off down the 82, a fantastic route, good road and great views,
abandoned towns, massive grazing lands and few ranches. An old cowboy trail.
Loads of individual nodding donkeys in the fields, a few dead rusty ones but not seen masses of them.
Missed the turning I wanted to head North to Amarillo and route 66, too busy enjoying the ride to look at directions on tank but hey-ho just have to sort it out tomorrow, lots of lanes or freeway?? Think the lanes (even these have long straight stretches). Stopped in a place called Seymour, just the other side of Dundee. Was too hot by 1-00 so pulled into first place I saw and looked around for accommodation. Choice of one but everything within a half mile walk.
Weather stays like this will leave about 6 and stop about same time as today.