Best passes yet
Would hate to be a man on and old ox wagon doing these, they were real men, I am a wimp doing it with a 4 stroke.Friday 7th Feb.
Up with the birds, 5-30, made coffee and watched the sunrise. Packed last night so loaded up the bike and left at eight. Resurfacing the roads all the way today. They do one side for about 5km and then have a one way flow.
You have to wait for up to 20 minutes for your turn to go, spent at least an hour just sitting waiting, never seemed to be my turn to go straight through. Works but makes for long waits, sitting in the sun.
*The temperature during one of the stops. Tempting in these temperatures to strip down to shorts and ride, instead I just drink a lot at the stops.
Left Calvinia and headed for Nieuwoudtville after filling up and then on to Vanrhyns Pass on the R27.
*The pass with a lorry crawling up.
What a pass, steep and tight with stunning views over the edge. Speed limit of 60KMH, no overtaking. No roadworks on this stretch but lots of gravel on the roads and bends. Got down and headed into Vanrhynsdorp, the museum was closed so filled up and turned onto the N7.
Cape to Namibia highway, did the other end a few months back. Guess what, roadworks all the way along to Clanwilliam. Got there at two and found a place to lay my head. Unpacked the bike and headed for the Pakhuis pass. Nearly 30km long and a long high climb through mountains that look like massive boulder piles. The road has only recently been tarmacked, would hate to do it dirt with rocks that size. Even with the nice surface I was down to 40kmh on some bends as the road stops at the edge. Target fixation could cause a bad off when looking at the views. Very windy as well, the wind was hitting the hills and following the road up, kept changing direction.
*The rock piles
The pass
Only managed 298 km today but spent so long waiting for roadworks did enough.