600-700 year old history lesson

Brilliant Saturday, Stella, lovely lady, friend to the family who I hardly knew and


curator of the museum took me out in her 4 wheel drive for a local history and nature lesson. Saw the most amazing lizards, all sorts of colours, orange, blue, green and even glimpsed a snake.
Took me to some Botswana ruins fron the Zimbabwe civilisation era, amazing but so as not to bore you all will just paste a picture of the brickwork.

She also took me to see some ancient rock paintings that no one has got to ruin or deface yet.
rock art.jpg

Not sure which was the most impressive but think it was the ruins. Sure there was a person swinging on a rope in the pictures. Always good to see these things with a knowledgable person with an open mind.

Sunday much to my embarressment has been packing and getting ready for another couple of thousand Km, only this time I have no idea what to expect except about 10 towns on the map.