Cape of Good Hope

Got up Table Mountain yesterday, fantastic ride up in the cable car and great views.

Cape Town from the top
Cape town from table mount.jpg

Dropped bike off, removed things to pack it away and got into the hire car. Some very upset Cape Town drivers. Not sure why I did miss them all.

Bit strange in one of them big things.

Went to the most beautiful garden in Africa??? Very nice Botanical Garden,

Some rockery??

then off to see some more African penguins in the wild. They do the local fish in the chippy but not penguin, funny seeing a road warning sign saying beware of the penguins though and a bit later beware of the golfers on the road??
Wild penguins???

before heading for Cape point. Walked up it and it took an hour in the heat,

The view up
lighthouse up.jpg

over 30 with no breeze. when I got half way up a funicular train thingy went past, so got a ride back down again. Teach me to read the tourist brochure. A light house and big hill but the sea is amazing and clear, you can see through it.

Cape point.
Cape Point.jpg

The clear blue sea below.
view of sea.jpg

The view back from the light house.
view from lighthouse.jpg