Wednesday April 1st
Heading for the west coast of California today started off a little chilly compared to what we have been used to but very comfortable and warmed up to about 78° and became very windy later in the day, It looks like petrol is a lot more expensive in California now averaging $3.29 a us gallon. As we climbed the mountains at Tehachapi I was wondering if it's going to get chilly up there then just before we reached the top it dropped to 50° and the wind was icy and cut through you like a knife. Within a couple of miles I was so cold I had to stop so we could add some extra layers of clothing. The next stop was only a few miles but i had got so cold I was shaking so much I was struggling to ride the bike in a straight line even with the extra layers. At the next stop was a McDonald's I never thought I would be happy to stop at one let alone enjoy it although they had the air con on so it was not that warm in there. Shortly after leaving the McDonald's we were descending the mountains and warming up and it was not long before we had to stop and peel off the extra layers.
The wind was still strong but no longer cold as ice. As we reached the west coast the temperature dropped again but not as bad, the scenery had also changed to rows of vineyards and orchards and then rich green mountain vistas, we stopped in Cambria in search of free wifi so we could find a motel.
Thursday 2nd April
Short ride to Monterey was just fantastic we had glorious sunshine and cool coastal breezes as we rode highway 1, we only did about 100 miles on highway one but it was twisty coastal mountain road all the way and other road users would often pull over at the earliest opportunity to let you pass. I am not sure how much further the road remains like this but according to the map it goes all the way into Oregon. If it was the last road I ever rode then this would be my choice, I can't wait to turn around and do it again. I just left the go pro running till it ran out of Memory.